Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pack Meeting - Halloween Party

Hi Wolf Families!

We had a great meeting tonight. The kids are learning about our nation's flag, what it stands for and how to respect it. Thanks to Den Leader, Steve and all of our parent helpers for their assistance in our meetings! Your boys should have taken home a document called "Achievement 3a: Keep Your Body Healthy". Have your boys mark the check boxes for every time they do the task listed.

As we discussed, next week's Pack meeting is our Halloween Party! Our den is in charge of providing snack and we need to plan to feed about 80 kids. Here is a list of who signed up and what they signed up to provide:

Plates + Napkins            Karena  (Tyler's Mom)
Fruit Trays                      Dieter + Carmelita  (Kurtis Dad + Rocco's Mom)
Veggie Trays                  Gene + Mark (Sean and Luke's Dads)
Sweet Treats                  Laura (Jaden's Mom)
Drinks                            Allisun (Ryan's Mom)

If you're not on the list next time, perhaps you'll be willing to volunteer to bring snacks/food for our next Den Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 24th. Please let me know if you're interested in doing that!

No Uniforms at the Pack Meeting - Wear your Halloween Costumes!

Pack Meeting - Wednesday, October 17th - Paulerino MPR at 6:30 PM!

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